Thursday, June 21, 2018

DataLoad Commands

DataLoad Command
Application Action(s)
TABPress the Tab key
ENTPress the Enter key
*UPPress the up arrow key
*DNPress the down arrow key
*LTPress the left arrow key
*RTPress the right arrow key
*SAVESave the current record
*SPSave & proceed
*FEOpen the field editor
*PBNavigate to the previous block
*NBNavigate to the next block
*PFNavigate to the previous field
*NFNavigate to the next field
*PRNavigate to the previous record
*NRNavigate to the next field
*IRInsert a new record
*CLClears the form field but does not delete any data
*ERClears a record from the form fields but does not delete it
*DRDelete the current record
*FRNavigate to the first record
*LRNavigate to the last record
*SBPress the Spacebar. This is useful for toggling the setting
of radio buttons and check boxes instead of using the mouse.
*STSelect the entire field
*FIOpen the find window
*FAFind all records
*QEPut the form in to the query enter mode
*QRRun a query when the form is in query enter mode
*BMOpen the block menu. This is used in Oracle E-Business
to select the block or tab to which to navigate.
*AXSends the Alt + X keystroke where X is a single letter (A-Z).
See Note 1
Note 1 In most applications the menus, buttons and other controls can usually be activated by using the Alt key combined with one other key. DataLoad provides *AX so that all possible Alt key combinations are available as a DataLoad command.

Built-in Commands

The following commands are built-in to DataLoad to provide additional functionality beyond sending data and keystrokes to applications. These commands cannot be edited or replaced in the commands window. The built-in commands are listed in the following table. Where available, please click the link on the command name for more information about using each command.

Application Action(s)
*SLN or *SL(N)Pause the load for N seconds
*CW(window)Change to window window
*ML(coordinates)Position the mouse at coordinates and press the left button
*MR(coordinates)Position the mouse at coordinates and press the right button
*DL(coordinates)Position the mouse at coordinates and double click the left button
PROMPT(message)Prompt the user with message and wait for a response
PHP(function)Calls a PHP function when Scripting used with a Macro load

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